類型 | |
開催期間 | 2006年5月11日~2006年5月14日 |
開催場所 | ドイツ エッセン |
会長 | Dr. med. Dietmar Stolke (Klinik und Poliklinik fur Neurochirurgie) |
運営事務局 | |
運営事務局TEL | - |
運営事務局FAX | - |
運営事務局e-mail | - |
ホームページ | http://www.dgnc.de/dgnc2006/index.php?lan=e |
演題登録締切日 | - |
託児所 | - |
Welcome Address
Dear colleagues,
Modern times call for modern media. I am therefore taking advantage of the internet and our homepage, to invite you to participate in our 2006 Annual Meeting, which will be held in Essen from 11 to 14 May. It is a particular pleasure for me to announce that the Japanese Society has confirmed its participation, which means we will be able to hold a “Joint Meeting”. The main themes promise more insights into treatment options for the different lesions covered. And the highly competent speakers we have specially selected will also contribute to the successful development of procedures to facilitate patient self-determination.
I am sure you will enjoy the social programme we have planned in Essen, which is known as Germany’s “energy city”. Among other highlights, we offer the opportunity to take a guided tour of the last coal mine in the region before it is closed down. Come to Essen to share your scientific findings and expertise with us, participate actively in our discussion fora, and expand your scientific horizons through encounters with the international neurosurgical community.
My team and I will be very pleased to welcome you.
Prof. Dietmar Stolke (MD)
Conference president